Fangtastic Friday – Interview with Robin D. Owens

Please welcome author Robin D. Owens, Rita award winning author of futuristic, fantasy romantic fiction.

ETS – Please tell us a little about yourself.

I live in Denver with (currently) two cats.  I’ve been reading fantasy since I’ve been a child and loved fairy tales and happy endings. 😉  I consider myself a writer, that is, I live the job.  Other pursuits are visiting with family, taking walks, and playing an online mass multi-player game (the heroine in the book I’m writing now is a such a game designer).  And you all know that () and ! are not fabulous in books so I use them in blogs and online. 😉
ETS – Explain your Celta world.  How did you come up with the world-building, and what inspired you to write this series?

The name is Owens (Welsh) and I hadn’t seen any real Celtic worlds at the time.   To be honest, my historicals weren’t selling so I just decided to write fantasy with my romance.  I (still) usually just write, and when I was unpublished this was the way I always wrote.  So I sat down and found T’Ash throwing divination dice.

So I had to find a place where it would be manly to use such dice and believe that “Today you will meet your HeartMate.”

Celta was colonized by people with psi power on Earth, though they have long lost contact with Earth…and the psi has pretty much morphed into magic, which I call Flair.

Also, the telepathic cat with attitude (redundant) sold the book, and people still like him the best.  Trickster, companion, mentor, he played many roles.
ETS – Heart Change released in November.  What can readers expect in this novel?

I try hard to ensure that you can read any of the books as stand-alones.  For those who have followed the series, the hero and heroine (Cratag and Signet) met in Heart Duel (#3), but now they finally have their own story.  Cratag is the head of guards for his distant relative, the powerful T’Hawthorn.  Cratag has very little Flair but is an excellent physical specimen 😉  He is loaned out by his lord as a bodyguard for Signet and the girl she’s watching.

Signet is a noblewoman in her own right, but the TYPE of her Flair has never been discovered, so she’s been isolated.  In the second scene we learn that Signet is a catalyst – she changes people’s lives for good – but usually when this happens people walk away from her.  Since no one understood the magic at work, she has abandonment issues.  As the back cover copy says:

 As Signet’s and Cratag’s attraction develops into love, her fear of abandonment and his wariness at their different backgrounds diminish.  Happiness seems within their grasp until fate makes them all targets of a secret enemy they must defeat to survive…
ETS – You’re a very prolific author.  Have you ever experienced writer’s block?  If so, what did you do to recover your motivation?

I don’t think of myself as prolific.  😉  Writer’s block is a difficult topic because usually I can’t afford to have that happen so I just push through it.  Subliminal music helps “You are confident” LOL.  I have some called Deep Focus/Concentration…and since I have a “Free Your Artist” page on my website and many exercises in my Artist Archives, I use them myself. 😉

ETS – What appeals to you more…a romantic evening at home, or a night on the town?

Different things at different times, but I’m an introvert so it’s home time.
ETS – What is your writing process like?  Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I rarely plot except to sell a book on proposal (shudder).  Not only do I pantz, but I write out of sequence – I’m pretty sure I wrote the last line of the book I’m working on, Enchanted No More, yesterday.  This can be good or bad.
ETS – What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Never Quit.
ETS – Thanks so much for chatting with us today!

Thanks for having me and the excellent questions!

Home Page (I love my opening room, explore it!)
Excerpts, try before you buy:
Worlds are Extras, and Free Your Artist has motivational quote, affirmation and exercises:

My blog on writing and publishing is daily/every other day:

Facebook is:

Robin is giving away a book from her backlist to one lucky commenter.  Reader’s choice!  Make sure to leave a comment…don’t be shy.  🙂

7 Responses to “Fangtastic Friday – Interview with Robin D. Owens”
  1. Terri W. says:

    Hi Robin,

    I love your Heartmate series and you have one of the best covers!

    Great post and thanks for sharing!

    I was wondering how many books are going to be in the Heartmate series, thanks!

  2. I am coming to the end of a three book contract: Heart Change, Heart Journey (coming August), and Heart Secret (that I’m just beginning to write).

    So we (my publisher and I) will see if they want more and if I want to do more…so far, yes. 😉


  3. Linda Henderson says:

    I love your covers. I have not read any of your books yet, but I really enjoy books with magic so I will definitely have to check them out.

  4. Thanks, Linda.

    The cover gods have done right by me! You can find excerpts of my work on my READS page, to try before you buy!


  5. Beverly G says:

    awsome interview I never heard of you before now. your books sound awesome ty for coming in today deff have to read your work for sure sounds great

  6. susan leech says:

    Hi Robin, what a nice interview and glad to stop by and find you here. I have to admit you are a new author to me but I want to know about you and your books so I can pass the word along to my reader groups. I have one of 7 ladies right now and considering making up another one if I can find enough ladies or gents interested. I love these gives a reader some one to talk to and discuss a book once it is read. Course we find different authors and books among ourselves and share that news also. Glad to comment and also glad to be included in the contest for anyone who comment. I never pass up a contest. Sad to say I do not have an ereader so usually only enter contest for printed books but I have won a few ebooks which is on my computer. I keep hoping to find an ereader as I like to curl up with a book in my easy chair. Have a good day. susan L.

  7. Oh! These look awesome. You have definitely been blessed by the cover gods;> Thank you for visiting EtS to tell us about your books and your process. If the covers and the premise hadn’t caught me, the “telepathic cat with attitude” would have!

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